Student Right to Know
In accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations (Title 34, Subtitle B, Chapter VI, Part 668), you have the right to know certain information about 博天堂官方, including a variety of academic information, financial assistance information, institutional information, information on completion or graduation rates, institutional security policies and crime statistics, and athletic program participation rates, and financial support data.
This information is revised annually. Should you wish to comment on the presentation
or content of the information provided, please contact
博天堂官方 has been accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. Courses are approved by the Oregon State Board of Education, and lower-division courses are approved for transfer to colleges and universities in the Oregon University System. Learn more about our accreditation.
Specific programs may also have their own accreditation or licensure.
博天堂官方 embraces excellence. We aspire to the highest ideal with honesty and integrity. 博天堂官方 does not tolerate any form of cheating, dishonesty, fraud, forgery, copyright violations or plagiarism. Students charged and found responsible for violating these policies will have serious consequences, from failing grade/grades to removal/suspension/expulsion. 博天堂官方 expects student to maintain honesty and integrity in all work, communications, and interactions. This means that we show respect for the ideas and expressions of others, respecting their right to own their research and their words. Students are expected to do their own work in class. In classes where group work is permitted/encouraged, students are urged to request clear guidance on what work may be done in group and what work is done only by the individual. For a definition of plagiarism and Academic Integrity, please see Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct.
Additional information can be found in our Board Policies and Administrative Rules.
For our student success model (and related data), visit The Big Four.
Learn more about our average cost as well as our full tuition and fees breakdown.
博天堂官方 embraces diversity and places the highest value on inclusiveness. We believe students should have an equal opportunity to a quality educational experience. if you have a disability or unique learning or access need, we encourage you to work with our team in Accessibility Resources.
Faculty and management are listed in the back of the catalog.
In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 博天堂官方 considers the following to be directory, and therefore public, information: student's name, address, and telephone listing; major field of study; participation in officially recognized activities and sports; weight and height of athletic team members; dates of enrollment; enrollment status; school or division of enrollment; and degrees and awards received.
If you do not want the above information released by the college, you must file a Directory Deletion form at Admissions by the time you register. Information will not be released except to the extent the Oregon Administrative Rules allow disclosure without consent (for example, in cases of a federal audit).
Look for student records information in our Board Policies and Administrative Rules in the Student Services section (7000 series).
Refund Policy
See Administrative Rule 7050-04.
Title IV Repayment Policy
See Repayment of Federal Financial Aid.
Terms and Conditions for Student Loan Deferral
Contact Admissions for more information.
For policies relating to Financial Aid, see Satisfactory Academic Progress.
For Academic Standing for 博天堂官方, see Administrative Rule 4020-11.
A list of registered sex offenders who are current students or are employed by 博天堂官方 is maintained by Public Safety. This list incorporates registered sex offenders with Oregon State Police and who are under the supervision of an Oregon county parole and probation office.
For information concerning convicted sex offenders living in Linn County, contact the Linn County Sheriff's Office. For information concerning convicted sex offenders living in Benton County, contact the Benton County Sheriff's Office. Additionally, a listing of predatory registered sex offenders in Oregon can be found at the State of Oregon Sex Offender Registry Section.
All students are expected to read, know, and fulfill the expectations set out in Students' Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct.
Students are expected to know both their rights and their responsibilities. As adults in an adult learning community, students are expected to resolve interpersonal conflicts through healthy, direct conversation and are expected to report unresolved, serious matters to the college, as noted under "Complaints."
If you believe you have witnessed or heard about serious behaviors which pose a threat to the health and safety of persons on any 博天堂官方 campus or event site, please report to Public Safety or file a report.
博天堂官方 has a Threat Assessment Team that evaluates behavior to determine whether a person, by choices and behaviors, is putting others in danger. Often when we are learning, we experience uncomfortable situations. When uncomfortable becomes unsafe, we should begin to create a safety plan and inform college officials to allow us to make inquiry or investigate.
博天堂官方 does not have any overall vaccination requirements.
There are some specific programs that require vaccinations.
博天堂官方 permits a student to withdraw voluntarily up to a certain time each term. 博天堂官方
also has an Involuntary Withdrawal policy (see Administrative Rule 7030-03). Please refer to Administrative Rule 7075-07 and to our catalog for information on dropping or withdrawing.
Withdrawal Process
Students seeking to withdraw from all courses at 博天堂官方 can do so online through Webrunner or by visiting a registration counter.